Friday, September 29, 2006


Cred ca veti recunoste cu usurinta poza de alaturi ( cine nu recunoaste poza ..rusinica :D ). Serialul Friends este genial. Fiecare episod pe care il vad imi aduce zambetul pe buze si intr-un fel sau altul traiesc in viata mea de zi cu zi cea ce traiesc ei!
Cred ca prietenii sunt foarte importanti in viata unui om, te fac sa razi, sa plangi, iti sunt alaturi in tot ce faci si cel mai important..te iubesc asa cum esti!
Domnu a lasat prietenia pe pamant ca noi sa ne bucuram de ea. E o binecuvantare minunata..and u know it!
Am citit pe un blog ceva foarte interesant ce suna cam asa:

" We need a Ross in our lives. Ross is the friend who shows us that even if the world says science guys finish last, it is still worth it to continue being the good guy, and, in the end, you will get your just reward."

We need a Rachel in our lives. Rachel is the friend who shows us that people really can change, grow, and mature to become great people. "

" We need a Joey in our lives. Joey is the friend who reminds us to keep our childlike wonder of the world in order to guard against becoming stuffy and cynical grown-ups."

We need a Phoebe in our lives. Phoebe reminds us that it is okay to be a spontaneous free spirit. " ( She is my favourite)

" We need a Monica in our lives. Monica is the friend who helps us and reminds us to keep order and structure in our lives."

" We need a Chandler in our lives. Chandler is the friend who can always put the comedic spin on the direst situation."

O maxima frumoasa si atat de adevarata :)
PRIETENUL este cel care stie totul despre tine si te pretuieste la fel."


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